Paris Saint-Germain risks a recruitment ban in the dispute with Kylian Mbappé, warns a sports lawyer.

Alexandre Lefevre

Dans son conflit avec Kylian Mbappé, le Paris Saint-Germain encourt une "interdiction de recruter", prévient une avocate spécialisée dans le sport
          Kylian Mbappé a saisi la LFP et la FFF pour réclamer au PSG, qu'il a quitté cet été pour le Real Madrid, de lui verser des salaires et des primes "impayés" pour plus de 55 millions d'euros.

Kylian Mbappé has decided to take legal action by filing a complaint with the LFP and the FFF, requesting that PSG, the club he recently left to join Real Madrid, pay him sums of money he believes are owed. Indeed, the player is claiming more than 55 million euros corresponding to salaries and bonuses he considers unpaid.

The conflict between Kylian Mbappé and Paris Saint-Germain

In the context of his dispute with Kylian Mbappé, Paris Saint-Germain is facing a possible “recruitment ban,” warned Tatiana Vassine, a lawyer specializing in sports law, on franceinfo on Tuesday, August 20. The Real Madrid forward has approached French football authorities to claim unpaid salaries and bonuses from his former club, PSG, amounting to more than 55 million euros gross for the months of April, May, and June.

The risks for Paris Saint-Germain

Tatiana Vassine explains that the legal commission can impose sanctions in case of a failure to pay by a French professional club to a player. These sanctions can include a ban on recruiting new players, as well as fines, warnings, point deductions, or closed-door matches. Thus, these sanctions are more severe than a simple financial penalty.

Kylian Mbappé and his advisers have notified the French Football Federation to alert UEFA. Indeed, clubs participating in UEFA competitions must meet certain requirements, particularly regarding salary arrears owed to staff. If a club fails to comply with these conditions, its license may be denied, preventing it from participating in European competitions.

The options for contesting for PSG

In the event of a ruling against them, PSG can contest the decision before the LFP’s legal commission for the French part of the dispute, and before the FFF for the UEFA portion. It is therefore important for the club to defend itself and dispute the amounts claimed by Kylian Mbappé if it believes they are not owed.

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The quick resolution of this type of dispute

Disputes over unpaid salaries are common in the world of football, but specialized bodies allow for quick resolution of these issues. Generally, clubs tend to regularize the situation as soon as a shortcoming is reported in order to avoid sanctions. Procedures can therefore move quite quickly, and it is likely that PSG will seek to resolve this dispute as soon as possible.

The complexity of the case between Kylian Mbappé and PSG

The main complexity of this case lies in determining the legitimacy of Kylian Mbappé’s claims. It will be necessary to ascertain whether the debts claimed are justified, and PSG is likely to contest these claims. The dispute will need to be closely examined to determine the position of each party.

Source of the article: Francetvinfo

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